Friday, October 22, 2010

T - 20 days.....

Holy smokes!! It seemed like the day would never come and now there are only 20 days left. I am in the midst of packing and cleaning and trying to stay sane on top of being both mom and dad and keeping a house full of kids running at the same time. I love my calendar, by the way. It is my saving grace. I had a nightmare last night that it was moving day and I remembered it wrong and wasn't finished packing yet. Then the truck wasn't there, so people kept putting boxes out on the driveway... and then it started to rain, so I was running to my neighbors trying to borrow tarps.... and all the while people were throwing things into boxes and packing for me. It was gross. I am working hard every day to make sure that doesn't happen.

I had such an awesome surprise yesterday. Matt was planning on coming home this weekend because he had 4 days off and said he would be here Friday by supper time. Well, when he walked in the door at 2pm on Thursday I was more than a little overjoyed. Just knowing I wouldn't have to pull down the ceiling in our laundry room by myself was enough to put me over the moon! We have to have a new dryer vent installed before we move out (as part of our selling conditions) and so the ceiling had to come down to give the plumber access to put it in. I was more than a little shocked to find out that there was almost an inch of lint on the ceiling because the dryer vent wasn't hooked up properly. CRAZY!! I am glad it is getting fixed and even more glad that I don't have to worry about it anymore.

I dream every night of my new house. I tell my kids about it all the time. Every time I sit down at our crowded little table with all my kids squished together and screaming that someone was touching them, I dream of my new 19'x11' dining room....... I know it will not cure everything, but seriously having room for everybody to have their own chair and their own space will make a world of difference.

Here's hoping I can make it through the next 20 days so I can enjoy it!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Hang in there Super Mom! I am so excited for you. Please don't forget to post pictures of the new house.