Friday, October 15, 2010

First Haircut

I have been putting off cutting Gideon's hair for quite some time. I knew it needed to be done, but I just couldn't bring myself to cut his beautiful, soft, blond curly hair! I loved playing with it just as he was going to sleep and feeling that so so soft baby hair. I knew as soon as I cut it he would look so much older and I wasn't too keen on losing my baby so fast. His super cute locks of hair were becoming a magnet for little girl hair accessories, so I decided that as much as I love his little baby look, and because I waited so long for another boy, that it was time to make the first cut.
Here he is before....
.... and during...... (I am amazed it turned out as well as it did with all this moving around!)

... and his reaction.... (and mine too a little)
Gideon is still super cute though and will be just as cute as a toddler as he was as my baby!


Unknown said...

wow!! he looks like such a stud! way to go on cutting it yourself, its so scary cutting little kids because they move so much.

Sheri said...

So handsome..........I can actually see nore relation between him and my buddy now that it is short!
impressive work with a moving target.