Anna had her birthday on Sunday. She is now 6! One of the first things she said on Monday morning that she was going into the 6 year old class now. She though that as soon as she turned 6 that she was automatically going to grade 1! I convinced her that staying in kindergarten was OK though! We had a big joint birthday party on Sunday for Anna, Brendan, Grandma Hatch and Aunt Rachel, and Anna will be having some friends over this Saturday for another little party. Anna is such a funny little girl, with a LOT of Hatch blood in her. Matt told me to ask her about what had happened in Primary on Sunday and so I asked her if they had sung to her. She said yes, and then started giggling. She said, "Guess what mom? I farted!" She thought that was the funniest thing ever and just laughed and laughed. Then she said, "And it stunk too! Oh mom, it was hilarious! You should have been there!" I couldn't help but laugh at that! What a kid!!

Getting ready to blow out the candles!

Anna thought it was pretty cool to find a five dollar bill in her card from Aunt Rachel and Uncle Cub!

A new shirt from Grandma Hatch

A new coloring book

A baton from Grandma and Grandpa Murray was one of her favorites!