Building our gingerbread house on Christmas Eve

The final product! (Half of it is eaten already!)
The stockings are stuffed!
Brendan's Christmas loot!
Grace loved her Hannah Montana doll and poster!
Becky loved her new sparkly shoes!
Sarah just wanted to go and play! Going.....


Gideon was awake for most of the gift opening but fell asleep as we were finishing. He seemed to enjoy all the noise and smiled at everybody all morning!
It was a great first Christmas for Gideon!
I am looking forward to going down to visit my family this week. Matt has to work and will be home alone, but I think his new Wii will keep him company for the most part. I am so excited to meet my new little niece - what an amazing Christmas miracle! It should be a fun trip with all the kids - they are excited to play with their cousins. Family is awesome!!!