Saturday, November 27, 2010

Adjusting Well

Well, it has been all of two weeks since we have moved and we all seem to be adjusting fairly well. It took a little bit to get used to driving our kids to school - they always walked on their own to and from school before, but it is a bit too far here. Brendan does walk as long as it isn't too cold or dark, so that helps. Brendan was given the opportunity to join the basketball team the first day he was in school, and has already participated in his first tournament. His team won 3 of their 4 games! I have been to parent teacher interviews for my girls already. After all of 8 days of being in their classes, all the girls' teachers were very positive and kind. Every single teacher said the same thing about all three girls -- that they were all adjusting very well and it seemed as though they had been there since day one. Matt is really enjoying his job too. He really loves not having such a long commute and is really enjoying the people he is working with. I have to admit that we are all adjusting well and it feels like we have been here much longer than 2 weeks. Our ward is very welcoming and it seems like a nice ward. I think that is the only thing that still makes me feel like the move is still a little fresh. I know it will take more than 2 weeks to get to know everybody there, so I am trying to learn at least two new names every week. The kids are missing their friends of course, and they ask to write them letters and emails and to call them fairly often, but I am glad that they had such good friends there. I am sure they will make good friends here too. All in all, we feel very blessed to have this move work out so smoothly. It really does confirm that this was the right decision for our family.


Sheri said...

As much as I miss you I am so happy that your family is doing so well......I love seeing the blessings of the Lord in action!

Margaret said...

That is wonderful that everyone is settling down. I know that Becky's kindergarten class misses her.