Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The girls were just about to head out of the door for school today and I had a few minutes to spare, so I actually turned on my brain today and remembered that I needed to clip some fingernails. I am always forgetting this and get quite embarrassed when they come home from wherever with long dirty fingernails. So I grabbed Grace first, and she decided that she was able to do this on her own (great! one more thing I don't have to do for one of my kids!). While she is clipping away, I take a look at Anna's nails and they are nice and neat and clean and short.
I did not do this.
I am 100% positive she did not clip her own nails.
I am 110% sure her dad did not do this.
So I asked her if she bit her fingernails. She just smiled and said: YES! Of course I start lecturing that it is not a good idea to bite your fingernails, but she stops me dead in my tracks when she says: "I bite my toenails too!"
How in the heck do you bite off your toenails? She says she doesn't like it when I clip them because it tickles. I guess it's quite the talent that she can even get her toenails up to her mouth to even try and bite them off.
I don't know if I am jealous or not??
Nope, not a talent I aspire too, that is for sure!


Jennie said...

Not something I am proud to admit, BUT I was one of those! Good luck. It took me years to kick the fingernail biting thing.

The FOUR M's... said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW! Yup. That's just nasty, Anna! Love, Auntie Lissa :o)

AMBER said...

Cassie has been doing that for years!!! I am trying to break that habit. Both TOES and FINGERS!! I LOVE IT KIDS ARE THE BEST!!