Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Can you hear me now???

A little while ago I had my kids at the doctor's office to check their ears - again - (what else is new??) and my family doctor thought that Grace's adenoids were looking a little big. So she referred us to a ENT (ear, nose, throat) specialist to have them checked out. Today was the appointment - I had to have all 4 girls up, dressed and fed, and out the door by 8am so we could get to the University Hospital by 9am. I don't usually have to drive in rush hour traffic, so the girls were wondering why it took 45 minutes to go 15km - and honestly, so was I. We found a parking spot in the already crowded 5 level parkade and made our way into the hospital to try and find the right area we needed to be in. After 2 wrong stops, we finally made it - and we were only 4 minutes late!! The nurse was great and took a history and then sent Grace for a hearing test. After making our way over there, having the test done and making our way back, we finally saw the doctor. He was quite surprised at the size of Grace's adenoids and at the "significant hearing loss" that she apparently has right now. She just had another ear infection about 3 weeks ago and there is still a lot of fluid buildup, so that explains some of it, but the doctor was still concerned. Grace will be having surgery sometime this summer (or whenever they book us in) to have tubes put in her ears, her adenoids removed and possibly her tonsils removed as well. It will just be a day surgery (very different from the 3 day hospital stay I had when I had my tonsils out) and hopefully this will help with her hearing and ear infections. I am wondering if life will ever slow down and I am coming to realize that it probably won't. Oh well, ready or not, bring it on!


Sheri said...

Nice background......now you are in the "fancy blog" club!

Kim said...

Aw...your poor little girl! Good luck :)