Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Crazy Day

Yesterday was just such a crazy day, it deserves being preserved. I have to start on Monday because that is when I found out that Matt was working late on Tuesday. That actually solved a problem for me as I was not sure how I was going to be in two places at the same time. Anna leaves on the bus for pre-school at 9:10am. Meanwhile, Grace had a dentist appt at 9:00am which we had to leave by 8:35 to get there on time. So, with Matt being home, I was able to have him send Anna off to school, and keep Rebecca at home while Grace and Sarah and I went to the dentist. Brendan had a late start as he didn't get all his homework done the night before and was trying to finish his math without dripping syrup from his pancakes on the papers. He finally got out the door at 8:20 and I had 15 minutes to get myself, Sarah and Grace into the van and on our way.... oh, and Sarah was still in a dirty diaper and her pajamas! We find the dentist's office (we had never been there before) and made it on time for the appt. Since we had never been there, there was a mountain of paperwork to fill out, and you always have a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when the first question they ask is if you have dental insurance! 20 minutes later, we hear that Grace needs a filling on a tooth that didn't form properly and 2 extractions. Her baby teeth were really small, and her adult teeth are really big, so they are taking out the two baby teeth on either side of her adult teeth to make room for them to fit properly. Who knows what we will have to do when the next set of adult teeth come in. Of course we have to book another appt to have this work done - today's visit was only $55 - and thank goodness for dental insurance because we only paid $12. BUT.... I asked for an estimate for the extractions and fillings..........$400.00!!! Yikes!!! Hopefully the insurance company will want to cover most of that. Anyway, moving on. I get Grace back to school by 10am, go home, get Sarah down for a nap, do some cleaning, get lunch for Rebecca, Anna gets home from school at 12:45, get her some lunch, get Sarah some lunch..... I think I even got to eat something in there somewhere since I didn't get a chance to eat any breakfast. I load everybody back in the van and go and get Brendan from school at 1:40 so we can get to his doctor's appt by 2:15. We made it on time, the doctor was on time (Yeah!!) and only a few screaming fits from Rebecca while we are there. We get home just in time to pick up Grace from school at 3:30pm and go home to get the homework started. I made supper, fed the kids, cleaned up (they even helped...with a little prodding) and then to the church by 6:45 so I can meet with a young man I have never met who is turning 12 and graduating from primary. I sign his goal book and his certificate and hand that over to the bishop, leave Brendan there for scouts, arrange for him to get a ride home since Matt is working late and I don't want to pack up the girls again at 8:30pm. Take the girls home, get them ready for bed, and collapse.......... Don't worry, I am still alive. I get to do it all over again, and again, and again.......


The FOUR M's... said...

Shaunie, you're cute! Love it. You're destined for the highest kingdom... :o)

Mary Lou said...

Sounds like you're managing to keep 'busy'! Good luck keeping up!