Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Alright, already!!

I know, I know.... I am a really bad blogger. Story of my life these days. I don't even know where to start to try and catch up!! These last few months have been really crazy and I don't know where I put my emergency brake, so we have been barrelling down the racetrack of life at breakneck speeds. We are well into the school year for my kids - their first report cards are coming out in two days. How the heck did that happen? It's hard to believe that it is past the middle of November and Christmas is right around the corner.

One really fun thing I did this month was take a little vacation with my husband!! Matt took a week off work and we were able to go to my mom and dad's for Roger's homecoming on the 9th and then spend a couple of days just hanging out with them. My mom and dad agreed to keep our kids overnight and I finagled a pass to a bed and breakfast from my sister Melissa and so I stole my husband away for a night. We were able to go out for dinner and then we went Christmas shopping for our kids. I am so excited that we got all our shopping done together, and in one trip! The best part is that we were able to keep it all down at mom and dad's house. Nobody is going to find Santa's presents this year!! The bed and breakfast we stayed at was awesome. The scenery was beautiful, the hosts were great, the food was amazing and the room was well used : ) : ) : ) !!! It really was nice to have some time to ourselves without any telephones, TVs or crying kids!!

My sister Mary Lou was able to get some awesome pictures of my kids while we were down in Mountain View too. I am very excited to get some ordered and up on my wall. Thanks again!!!

Well, hopefully this will satisfy my audience's craving for posts from me..... and hopefully it won't be so long in between again!!

1 comment:

The FOUR M's... said...

Look at you -- giving in to peer pressure. Hahaha! Love reading your posts, and can't wait to see you guys at Christmas. I'm glad you guys enjoyed your weekend away, and that we could help out with that! Love you Shaunie!