Monday, September 1, 2008

Oh, what a beautiful morning!!

I had such wonderful morning today!! I went running this morning at 6:30 - - the weather was just a bit chilly, but the sky was clear, and the few little clouds that were tinged with a gorgeous color of pink were breathtaking!! I went for a 5km run and only had three 2-minute walks in between. I ran up over the overpass on 66th street and gave myself a little break and walked across the bridge, ran to Ellerslie road, walked back up 66th for a few minutes, back up the overpass, walked across the bridge and then ran home. 5km in 32 minutes!! I surprised even myself. It was such a beautiful morning, that I hardly noticed the running and just enjoyed being outside. My kids were all in a great mood this morning, and we had breakfast and scriptures without any major commotion. We got Sarah a new booster seat with a tray on it that just sits on a chair, so she was sitting up at breakfast with the other kids eating a pancake too!! I was surprised to see her picking up the pieces and putting them in her mouth - that is the first time she has been able to do that. Crazy how fast kids grow up!! Brendan and Grace got off to school and the little girls played together quite well while I cleaned up the kitchen, made all the beds, and started the laundry. I am quite grateful that I have had the motivation to change a few habits. I think it started when my sister Rachel came over one day while I was folding about 8 loads of laundry. She had heard a little quote and shared it with me: "A load a day keeps Mount Washmore away!" I think I really took that to heart and have really been trying to keep up with the laundry and housework a little every day instead of having mammoth cleaning and laundry days. So far, so good.....they say it takes 21 days to form a habit, so I am well on my way. It is easy to do something when the benefits show themselves so quickly. Here's to many more wonderful mornings!!

1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

Good for you! I'm impressed!