Friday, March 22, 2013

Kiwanis Festival

All four of the older kids were involved with the Lethbridge Kiwanis Festival this week.  They have been working hard for the last couple of months to practise, polish and memorize the songs they would be performing.  I very well remember the nerves I felt when I was performing when I was in the festival as a young girl, and now I realize that my mom felt just as nervous as I did.  My nerves were shot by the end of the week, but I couldn't have been more proud of my kids.  Anna and Brendan both were awarded First Place, Grace came away with a Second Place and Rebecca received a certificate of Merit.  Rebecca had 7 other kids in her class, so the competition was a little steep, but she played the best I had ever heard her play and I was very proud of her.  Definitely a button-bursting week!

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