Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Crazy Day!!

It was just such a crazy driving around day, I thought it would be a good idea to write it down --- and to remember that all days are not this bad!

7:00am - Take Brendan to seminary
8:10am - Matt takes Grace, Anna and Rebecca to school
9:15am - Take Sarah to school
10:00am - Drop Gid off at Mindy's and go to the preschool for Sarah's IPP meeting
11:00am - Finished meeting, pick up prescription, pick up Gideon and back to the preschool by 11:30 to pick up Sarah
1:15pm - Take Gid to the preschool for his music class
2:00pm - Pick up Gid from his music class
3:15pm - Pick up Anna and Rebecca from school
4:30pm - Pick up Grace from basketball practice
7:00pm - Drop off Anna and Grace at Activity Days
8:00pm - Pick up Anna and Grace from Activity Days

In between all those times I have been trying to put through about 8 loads of laundry too.  Crazy Day!!

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