Thursday, April 14, 2011

The longest bread-making process ever!

I usually start mixing my batch of bread for the week on Monday morning. Well, Monday's have been a little crazy around here with catching up from the weekend laundry, grocery shopping, etc, etc, that I postponed baking bread this week. I had three loaves left from last week -- this never happens by the way as I am usually using the last crust of bread on Monday morning. As per usual, procrastination never pays off. Tuesday was pretty much a gong show (as you can see from the previous posts) and Wednesday morning, when I was pretty much using the last crust of bread for breakfast, I knew I had to bake bread. The only problem was that I had to be out ALL morning. So, yesterday afternoon, once we had gotten home, had lunch and put Gideon down for his nap, I mixed up a batch of bread. I decided to let it rise a little longer than usual and we just had flap-jacks for supper -- super easy and a hit with everybody! So after supper was done and cleaned up I put the rest of the bread into the pans and let it rise. Just before bedtime, I turned on the oven to let it preheat, and promptly got involved watching a show I enjoy and fell asleep. 2am rolls around and Sarah is crying and wants in our bed. I don't usually wake up, but I wasn't feeling great anyway and decided to make myself a cup of honey-lemon tea. This was when I found my completely overflowing bread sitting on top of the very warm oven! So, as my tea was warming up, I punched the bread back down into the pans and decided to set myself an alarm to wake up and put them in the oven in an hour or so. Just as my tea had about 5 seconds left in the microwave, the power goes out. LOVELY! There was nothing else to do, but drink my tea and head back to bed and deal with the bread in the morning. By the time Matt left at 7am, we still had no power --- and about 4-5 inches of snow too. It was a little chilly in our house! We fumbled our way through breakfast of cold cereal and tried to find clothes in dark closets and drawers and made our way to school. I begged my sister to let me stay at her house for the morning, which actually killed to birds with one stone as I had packed up my twice-punched-down bread with me too. We had a great visit and I was able to stay warm and bake my bread as well. I was very glad to see that we had power when we got home too! I had no idea that when I started mixing my bread at 2pm yesterday afternoon, that it would take until 11 o'clock this morning to to finally finish baking. That's got to be a record, don't you think???


The FOUR M's... said...

Oh, Shauna. You crack me up! Glad it finally got baked! :P

Mary Lou said...

I honestly don't know how you do it all...

Catherine Dabels said...

What has to be the record is that you persevered through the bread making and didn't hit the Sobey's to buy a loaf.

Cudos to you.