Sunday, April 3, 2011

Breakfast for 8

I decided to go all out and have a bigger breakfast than normal today. Here is what it takes to feed 8 people: 1 dozen eggs, 1 pkg of bacon, 1/2 bag of hashbrowns, 8 slices of toast, and 1/2 gallon of milk. There were no leftovers, and I bet I could have made more and that would have been eaten too. On the plus side - - there were ALL eight of us at the breakfast table all at once. That NEVER happens. Matt actually joined us at the table and it was only 8:30am on a day he didn't have to work. Miracles still happen!!

1 comment:

Sheri said...

Yum! We had a delicious pre-conference breakfast too.
I can't wait to hear what it takes to feed all 8 breakfast in about 4 years from now ;)
I'm glad Matt made it to the table too....a perfect start to the day!