Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goodbye 2008...... Hello 2009

Well, I guess I can't start a new year without finishing out the last one, so I thought I would add some pictures from Christmas! We had a great time with all our family both here and in Mountain View. Matt's mom and siblings came over to our house on the 21st and we had our Christmas dinner and shared presents with the kids.
Then we went to my mom and dad's on the 24th and spent 5 days with them. It was such a blast having everybody home for Christmas - 26 people for Christmas morning was CRAZY, but so so so much fun!! We were able to see a lot of extended family at a dinner on the 27th and also at church the next day.
We were "fortunate" to have a major snow storm hit while we were in church and we were forced to stay an extra night.
It was hard to leave knowing the festivities of the new year were going on without us. We survived though and went to a friends home and played games to bring in the new year. The one downside to our holidays was that we had to spend some time with Grace in the ER in the Cardston Hospital on Christmas day because her ear drum had burst! We were able to get some antibiotics and painkillers and she was on the mend. Then Rebecca said her ear hurt, so I did what doctors tell you never to do, and started her on Grace's medicine too. Then Anna came down with a fever and a cough, and then lo and behold, so did Sarah. I took them all to see our doctor on Tuesday this week and they ALL have ear infections! My doctor didn't seem to think that Rebecca needed any medication because she didn't have a fever at the time like Anna and Sarah did, but I just neglected to tell her that she was doing better because she had been taking medication! Anyway, two more bottles of Amoxil later, and hopefully next week we can see some improvements!!
All in all, it was a very awesome Christmas and the only thing that would have made it better would have been having it last longer. I wonder what kind of adventures 2009 will bring.......

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