Thursday, December 4, 2008

Onward, ever onward......

As many of you may know, Rebecca loves to sing. Actually all my girls love to sing, but Rebecca has been singing since before she could talk. She would carry the tune of just about any song, not really caring about the words. Well, this morning her song of the day was "Called to Serve". Her favorite part of the song is the chorus where it sings, "Onward, ever onward as we glory in his name" which she just repeated all morning. I was glad she was happy and actually took the words to heart after having such a crazy evening the night before. It all started last week when I took the kids into the eye doctor to have their eyes checked. Anna had been tested at her preschool and they suggested following up with her eye doctor as she had failed their little exam there. I expected that we might have to get glasses for her, because when she was checked out 18 months ago, the doctor said because of the shape of her eye, she probably would need glasses in the future. So no surprise at all when lo and behold, Anna did need glasses. I was a bit taken aback at her prescription which was worse than mine - and that is pretty bad! My next surprise was that Rebecca needed glasses too!! So, $400 later, we had two new pairs of glasses on order. Yesterday the office called and said their glasses were ready, so we bundled everybody up and went to get their new glasses. I tried to get them very excited about them because I wanted them to be excited to wear them. They were both very excited and couldn't wait for their dad to get home so they could show him. Both girls had a bit of trouble at first with the glasses as the prescription is so strong it will take a bit for them to let their eyes relax and let the glasses do the work. My next surprise was 2 hours after we got home..... Rebecca came upstairs with the leg of her glasses sticking straight out from her head! She said they hurt her ear, so she moved it..... BIG TIME!! She had totally broken the hinge and twisted it at a crazy angle. Who knew a 3 year old was that strong!! I had to go back to the office this morning and thankfully there is a warranty and they ordered another leg for her glasses in and hopefully it will be in tomorrow. I hope she will get used to them soon - I don't know how long that warranty will last!! Needless to say, I guess my new song is: "Onward, ever onward!"


The FOUR M's... said...

Oh the joys of glasses. You are such a good mommy, Shauna. Love ya!

Mary Lou said...

So much fun. Can't wait to see them in person!

The Wolff Den said...

They both chose such cute frames!