Friday, December 5, 2008

Amazing Lady, Amazing Grandma

I was very sad to hear the news that last night my Grandma Webster passed away. I started thinking back about all the influence she has had on my life. She was such a wonderful example to me and I really do wish I could be more like her. I never heard her raise her voice and she always had something nice to say about everybody. Grandma had a way about her to get her point across without making me feel bad about any decision I had made. She loved to hear everything I had to say and was always willing to listen to any new piano piece or little bit of news I had.

It didn't matter what was going on - Grandma was always there. She was part of every important event in my life, and always had something to contribute to that. I love the blankets she made for me, and the blessing outfits that she made for my children. I am grateful for the tangible evidence she left me of her love for me.

I am so grateful that my children had the opportunity to know her. I know that she was excited to see her mother again - it has been about 37 years since her own mother passed away. All I have to do is think about my own mother and I get a very small glimpse at how much she missed her! I feel very blessed to have been born into such a wonderful family with such strong, amazing women to model my life after. I love you so much Grandma! I will miss you, but I am so grateful to know that we will be together again one day.

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