We had such a fun Family Home Evening tonight I just had to write it down. Then there will be proof that we actually had a fun, informative and interactive FHE! We decided to learn about the word of wisdom tonight and talk about our bodies and how to take care of them.
Opening Song: Early to Bed and Early to Rise (pg 280 in the children's songbook)
Scriptures: D&C 88:124, D&C 89, and 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Story: The Body Is Sacred - Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley, New Era, November 2006
Activity: Memory Game with food
Ok, so we started off and talked a bit about our bodies, what to eat, what not to eat, etc, etc. We actually ended with Pres. Hinckley's talk and that was great, but the really fun part was our activity. We played a memory game with the kids and put a whole bunch of different foods under a blanket. They got to look at them for one minute and then we covered them up again and they had to try and remember all the food items that were there. There was a banana, apple, carrot, celery, grapes, strawberry, pear, orange, chocolate pudding, popcorn, poptarts, granola bar, wafer sticks, popcorn salt, rice krispie square, and Matt put a pocket warmer in there too! Brendan and Grace were able to write down what they remembered and Matt and I wrote down what Anna and Becky remembered. Sarah just tried to eat all the food before we were finished and Gideon just sat there and tried to eat his hands and feet! The kids all had the pudding as the first item they remembered and then they started remembering all the better foods to eat. Then we let them eat all the good things for their bedtime snack. I actually think they might remember this lesson - I sure will.
We were also able to have a good talk with Brendan after the little girls had gone to bed about his eating habits. Brendan is a growing boy and I know how much growing boys can eat, but Brendan has OCD and doesn't know when to stop eating - especially in the middle of the night. We are trying a few different things such as setting out his "midnight snack" before he goes to bed so he knows what he is allowed to eat and hopefully go back to bed and stop wandering trying to find more food. We have also tried to communicate very clearly that his eating habits are getting a bit expensive for our budget. We have moved all the snacks for lunches out of the kitchen and into the store room which is by our bedroom, and I have stopped buying cereal. Hopefully we can get a handle on this and not have Brendan literally eating us out of house and home!
All in all it was a really fun night!