So, life just seems to want to keep me on my toes and on Monday, Sarah and I took a quick trip down the stairs. I really don't know how it happened since it happened so fast, but one second I was going down the stairs, and the next I was on my back at the bottom. I had Sarah on my hip at the time, so her right leg was behind me, and therefore under me at the time. I was really hoping that there would be nothing wrong and that it was just bruised, but Sarah cried for over an hour and wouldn't move her leg, so I figured something was wrong. I was babysitting two little girls and didn't have enough car seats so I couldn't even go anywhere. But, my sister Rachel came to the rescue (she is very good at that!) and came and watched the girls while I took Sarah to the hospital. They moved her through pretty quickly and we were in and out with a cast on her leg in just over 2 hours. I was able to take a look at the x-rays they did and I didn't see anything obvious, but I am apparently NOT a radiologist, and he saw a very minor "buckle" just below her right knee. He told me that if her leg was a pop can it would be like a little dent. It did not involve any growth plates and I was told it should heal in 2 weeks. So for the next couple of weeks, Sarah gets to try and move around with a cast on from ankle to mid thigh! It is scheduled to be off on her birthday - February 9th. Happy Birthday little one!!

The girls all knew what to do and immediately wanted a marker so they could write their names on her cast. 2 broken bones in just less than a year is more than I expected to say the least!!