Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Waiting for Dad to get home..........

I think 5pm -6pm should be banned from the day. I would gladly give up this hour and not be sad one bit. Kids are hungry, I am tired and going through the never-ending "what do we have for dinner" mode. Today Matt called at about 5:20 saying he was just leaving work. He gets off at 5pm, but as he is the director on call this week, everything falls on his shoulders to take care of. I can handle this - the traffic is starting to let up a bit by then and he should be home by 6pm which is when we plan to have dinner anyway. 5:50pm - ring, ring.........guess who?!?!? Yup, my wonderful husband has offered to help out with a pick-up so the other transfer guy can go ahead with his plans he has with his wife for date night (what the heck is that anyway?). So we eat our dinner without him, though I do get a compliment from Brendan saying that dinner was good without any prompting at all........maybe some things do stick in that brain of his. I wonder if the kids will notice if I just hide in my room all night..........

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