Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A day in the life of the Hatch Family

I guess I will get things started by sharing a typical day in our home. I wake up early (6am) and feed the baby and then go out for my run. I have been running for 2 1/2 months now and this morning I ran 3.5km out of a total 5km distance. Since I couldn't run 4 blocks when I started, I think I am making some progress. Matt left for work at 8:30am - just as the rain started (great - an inside day!) Our kids are already "enjoying" each others company and so the day begins. Brendan (11yrs) almost forgets to come for breakfast because he is trying to solve a rubics cube, though he knows if he misses the prayer, he has to wait until everybody else is done, so he slips into his chair just as the amen is being said. Grace (almost 6yrs) has managed to get herself dressed, but brushing her hair is another matter - it looks like I used a mixer instead of a comb. Anna (4yrs) is still in her pajamas and will be until the last possible second she can. It takes about 5 requests and finally she is threatened that she will be left behind that she finally starts to decide what she wants to wear - oh and no brush for her! Rebecca (2 1/2yrs) is screaming (unfortunately this happens quite regularly) for something, though we have no idea what it is she wants as her language skills are not quite in understandable English. She wants her breakfast in front of her, nobody can eat it, but she will invariably drink her "milky sippy cuppy" and leave the food on her plate. Sarah (5 months) is my sweet little angel and is just sitting in her swing observing the chaos around her. Most likely she is taking notes on how best to frazzle her already totally frazzled mother!! Today we have the fun task of getting an oil change done for the van. One hour at Wal-Mart with five kids is enough to drive anybody over the edge, but I was quite proud of myself - I was in control!! OOOPS!! Wrong turn - right down the TOY aisle!! Gotta love having a screaming 2-year-old in the middle of Wal-Mart. Luckily for me, bribery works! All it took was gum - which she swallowed after about 30 seconds and wanted another piece. Being a good mom I said no, and then ran for the nearest exit! We all eventually got out of there and we are all still alive. I am now enjoying having the TV take over for a little while so I can regroup and keep going. When does dad get home????


Mary Lou said...

So you decided to jump on the bandwagon and start a blog, eh?! Sounds like you're winning the battle... a little bit at a time! You could always send a couple of my nieces to Auntie Lou :-)

The FOUR M's... said...

You should write a book Shaunie -- that was hilarious... (Though I'm sure not to you at the time...) Glad you figured out the blogging! But be careful -- it can be as addicting as facebook sometimes! Love ya!

Margaret said...

Shauna - I cant imagine the chaos of having 5, for me one is enough! Thanks for sharing your lives. We will be in Edmonton in about a month, then you can have one more for nursery :) If you click on my name you can go to my two blogs.