Friday, September 6, 2013

First Day of School

School is back in session!  I’m not sure if I was excited or not.  In some ways it is nice to get back into a routine and have a schedule to go by.  But, we had so much fun this summer, that it was hard to leave that all behind.  Brendan started grade 11 this year, and he actually didn’t have to be to school until noon, but he was a good sport and came out for a picture.  Grace started grade 6 and has moved on to the Jr. High School.  Anna is in grade 4, and Rebecca is in grade 3, and now Sarah has joined them at the elementary school and is starting Kindergarten.  She didn’t have school this morning as they have a staggered entry, so she was still in her pj’s.  Gideon is in his second year of pre-school and had a different start date as well.  I now have 2 hours every morning with all six kids in school --- oh the possibilities!!
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