Tuesday, April 12, 2011


What a crazy day so far! I just had to document it so that I can prove that I don't just sit around and watch TV all day!! Well, some days I do that a little bit, but I think I have earned those days!! It took FOREVER to get a couple of my kids up and going this morning and Brendan never did get breakfast before he left for school. Grace had an orthodontist appt this morning to get her braces on and I had to take Gideon and Sarah with me. I thought it would be ok, and it probably would have been if the appt had only taken 40 min like they told me it would. They did not take into account that Grace is a bit of a difficult patient and it took quite a bit of coaxing just to get her to even open her mouth. Gideon and Sarah had a "great" time pulling all the books and magazines off the table, turning on the space heater to 30 degrees, spilling fish crackers and animal crackers all over the floor, getting into the filing system behind the front desk, running down the hallways to find Grace, etc, etc, etc. At one point, I had Gideon in one arm, and was holding Grace's hands down with my other hand and Sarah was running amok throughout the other offices. 1 hour after we got there we were finally done, and just as I was paying my lovely $2300+ bill, one of Graces brackets popped off, and she had to have it repaired.... already..... That does not bode well for the future!! We ran her back to school so she could have a quick lunch and go on a field trip with her class. I am sure she will be hurting big time by the time school is out and so I have planned jello and mashed potatoes for supper. Then, this afternoon during "quiet time" I was folding laundry and Sarah came and told me she needed to go to the bathroom. So I told her to go. There is a bathroom RIGHT NEXT DOOR to the laundry room, and I thought she went in there, but 5 minutes later when there was a waterfall coming from the heating ducts above my head, I started searching for her pretty darn quickly! She had decided to run to MY bathroom and then decided to wipe herself with about 3/4 of a roll of toilet paper and then proceed to flush all that toilet paper, and consequently flooded the floor and sending a bucket load of toilet water flowing down the vent. Lovely. So just when I thought I had almost completely caught up with my laundry, I now have a nice load of towels to do. Oh, and the blanket she threw up on in the van this morning too. Oh, and I also locked my keys in the van at the dentist's office. I have NO IDEA why I had an extra set of keys in my purse, but I think that my Heavenly Father knew I needed to catch a little bit of a break today. How boring would my days be without my kids?? Guess what???? I get to find out!!! Only for a few days though. In a couple of weeks I am heading down to Utah to meet up with some of my bestest friends ever and attend Women's Conference at BYU. I AM SO EXCITED!!! I will miss my kids, but really, a little vacation never hurt anybody!!


Sheri said...

That exhausts me just to read about it........you really are a saint!! It is way better to have braces pop off at the office than to have to go back; typically any that will come off will do it right away so hopefully Grace won't have any more issues. (just avoid popcorn and gum to keep them on)
I am so happy to hear that you are getting a much deserved break away. Nobody deserves it more than you..........it will be good for Matt too...lol!

Jennie said...

Yes you need a break and I am so glad it will be with me!!!!
I am not envying your day! Way to go supermom!!