Sunday, August 22, 2010


I have to admit that I am pretty impressed that I was able to run 10km this weekend in only 1hr 2min! My sister-in-law convinced me that we could do this and I very reluctantly agreed. I did a little bit of running a couple of years ago, but last year I was very pregnant and sick with pneumonia so there was no running for me. I was so grateful for Sheri and her encouragement and commitment to this run. I know that I wouldn't have done this on my own. What was really great was that my sister's Melissa and Rachel ran too! I had such a great time running with them and accomplishing this together. I was so sad that I couldn't find Sheri before the race started and we weren't able to run together, but our times were within 5 seconds of each other - we really did have the same pace which was great for our training. We never needed any music to listen to because we were always able to spend our runs chatting with each other. What an awesome bonus to have a sister-in-law that is such a great friend too!!

Melissa, Rachel and I before the race - - I'm the hottie!!

There were so many people there! It took us about a minute just to get over the start line!

Sheri, myself, Melissa and Rachel at the finish line!
Thomas ran the race too.

Melissa, Rachel and I showing off our medals.

Yup - they're real!!
It was such a great experience for me - I think I might be hooked!! Can't wait for the next one!!


Sheri said...

I love the medal pics!!! Next time we are for sure running together so we can chat :)

Jennie said...

So I already left a message on facebook; but just in case you don't get it: I could use a great motivator to get myself going: so in April, when you're here, want to go with me in the mornings?