Sarah had her birthday on Monday this week and she is a whole year old! It seems so hard to believe that it has been a year already. It was quite a nice mild day on Monday and it seems funny that I was at the hospital with her on Monday as we were there with her a year ago on that same day. Sarah was able to get her cast taken off on Monday - Yeah!! She crawled with a straight leg for a little bit, but was soon zooming around like never before. The day Sarah was born it was -40 outside! The only upside to that was that we didn't have to pay for parking since all the machines were frozen! I was glad that it was warmer this year! We celebrated Sarah's birthday on Sunday afternoon. Grandma Hatch, Uncle Jeremy, Uncle Abe, Aunt Rachel and Uncle Cub and Zach all came to have cake with us. Sarah really thought the candle on her cake looked really neat and just tried to grab it. When I gave her a piece of cake she grabbed some, looked at her hands and then flung the plate off her tray onto the floor! I guess she wasn't interested! She really did like the new toy we got for her though. Anything that makes noises and has a dancing monkey is always sure to be a hit!
I took Sarah to be weighed on Tuesday and she is now 17lbs 5 oz! She has really been our "tiny" baby. She doesn't put on weight very fast but she sure does everything she should be doing and more. One of her favorite things to do is "help" with the dishwasher - pulling out as many things